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Want to know a secret?

Two Young Girls Telling Secrets

I do not like following directions or abiding by a predetermined script. My secret is that following directions are not what I want to be doing. Yes I see the irony in the fact that I am designing and writing patterns with instructions that I expect others to follow. But I will say this particular mile of my journey is definitely teaching me that short cuts are not always going to work.

There are definitive times that we need to put our egos back in a box and close the lid. Simply trust the process others have laid out before us. Creating Classy Designs by Dawn and everything going into it has been a humbling experience. When I think I understand or conquer a step; The next step then conquers me. So I back up and repeat course lessons I tried to short cut or just improvised my way.

Growing up it was called ‘the school of hard knocks’. Knocking your head against a wall doing things the hard way instead of following instructions or the examples of those who have already passed this step in a process. Some try to make it easier for those behind them but we think we know better and want to do things our own way.

Yes I can use all my creative ingenuity to design unique and classy sewing patterns! But there are certainly better ways to get Classy Designs by Dawn off the ground and published as a working website than my way.

So I am keeping Proverbs 31: 10-31 fresh in my mind as I work through all the instructions I have available to me. This is certainly a point where I can not see past the current step. This path has been rocky and very steep for me. Creating patterns – easy! Creating websites – next to impossible.

The fact that you are reading this, does mean it is not completely impossible!

In the end; I know it is never too late to follow my dream. I am so honored that you are joining me.


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