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The Road Less Traveled

Grayscale Country Road

In life, we choose the road we travel on. We have 2 primary choices; the easy road of average or the tough road less traveled of awesome. I am sure that just like me, you have also settled for the easy road of average.

We are taught in school and by society to be average. Taught that only a few select individuals have the privilege to be awesome. Do we really believe that every little boy doesn’t dream to be like Michael Jordan or Tom Brady!? Somewhere along life’s road, we are told that being awesome is not for us and we believe it.


Why do we let others push us off our road to awesome?

I don’t know! I really wish I had both the answer to why and the best way to change it. One thing I do know is that we need to pave the road to awesome with inspiration instead of competition. I am not saying that everyone gets a first-place medal, but I am saying that the medal is always out there for those who choose to travel the tough road to awesome. It may be a long road. It may be a slow road. But that road less traveled is always available to us.

I am choosing the road less traveled – are you?


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