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Inspiration verses Competition

Post-It's on A Corkboard

What motivates you? Besides coffee, what makes your heart race? What keeps you chasing your dreams?


Inspiration is defined as 1. an inspiring agent or influence 2. a divine influence or action on a person to qualify him/her to communicate a revelation 3. the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions 4. the act of influencing or suggesting.


Competition is defined as 1. the process of competing – rivalry 2. a contest between rivals. Rivals is defined as 2 or more striving to obtain what only one can possess.

Do you let others inspire you? or are you always after what others have at the expense of everything else? Do you celebrate the successes of others and continue to cheer them on? Do you unfriend them and gossip about their flaws because you are jealous?

I want to inspire others as others inspire me. Being a better person than I was yesterday motivates me to put one foot in front of the other when life gets tough or I feel that I have lost my focus.

My road to awesome is not the same as any other person’s road. My start point and end point are mine and mine only. We don’t need to be lonely at the top or lonely on the way to the top. Let’s bring any and all who are interested through inspiration and encouragement with us.

As I look back on my journey so far… I can see many who inspired, encouraged and yes – taunted and ridiculed my choices. I am the sum of ALL m my past experiences both positive and negative.

At the current steps of my journey, I pray that I am an encouragement and positive example to others to never give up on a dream. Classy Designs by Dawn is a late blooming dream but it is my dream! and I want to use it to teach and encourage those coming behind me.


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